zainadeel on DeviantArt

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zainadeel's avatar

Discoverer merged with Metro Desktop App



some of my friends at Neowin werent happy with the whole titlebar on left idea.

But i was just stretching my arms there.

Here im merging my concept (tweaking it : squaring everything) for my earlier metro desktop app concept.

Merging the two so desktop seems like an extention of Metro. In a way Metro for mouse and keyboard.

And IMO its fresh clean minimal and more consistent than Aero.

Also no time on notification area as charms menu reveal a big time tile on the lower left as all DP users know. And no start button. This concept will have the search bar i designed some time ago to search for apps or files within the desktop area.
Image size
1920x1080px 389.92 KB
© 2012 - 2024 zainadeel
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where is the download link